Ingrid Thoft’s acclaimed debut novel, Loyalty, introduced mystery lovers to her protagonist, Fina Ludlow. Fina is a top-notch investigator for her family’s law firm whose senior partner is Fina’s father, Carl Ludlow.
Ingrid’s just-released novel, Identity, involves thorny legal and psychological issues raised by a single mother, Renata Sanchez, who was impregnated by artificial insemination. Though she signed an agreement to keep the donor’s identity secret, she is convinced that making her child’s father part of her child’s life is best for her daughter. Fina’s task is to uncover the identity of the sperm donor. Complications ensue—the biggest being the donor-father is murdered only hours after his identity is made public. The case turns into a homicide investigation and Fina must find out not only who murdered the father, but why he was killed.